Find Out For Yourself.
A campaign that doesn't shy away from fears.
The Australian Defence Force wanted to better reflect the multicultural makeup of modern Australia.
• Over 20% of Australia has a ‘language other than English’ background
• But these people make up only 5.7% of the ADF
• But these people make up only 5.7% of the ADF
One of the problems recruiting them is their families. They have misconceptions, which are often based on their experiences with foreign militaries, making them sceptical of what we have to say. Sceptical their loved ones can be themselves in the military.
So to change their perceptions we did something they wouldn't expect.... we told them the truth. We acknowledged the very real worries and fears they have.
This integrated campaign featured the stories of 8, very different families, from backgrounds most people wouldn’t expect, in roles they didn’t know existed in the ADF. The campaign has been translated into 7 languages to better reach the most sceptical families.
By creating a campaign full of unexpected, emotional, and very human stories we’re making families from all backgrounds feel more comfortable to find out what life is really like in the ADF.